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Bone and Joint Decade
NOF Congress 2010
The Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010

Disorders such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fractures and
late consequences in muscles and joints after diabetes are causing increasing societal problems.

For instance, 40% of the over 65 years old have symptoms of osteoarthritis. This is, among others, reflected in the fact that WHO has made 2000-2010 ”The Bone and Joint Decade”.  (http://www.boneandjointdecade.org)

The surgical treatment of these disorders often involves replacement of the joints with artificial implants, splint fixation in connection with fractures, reconstruction operations of the spine and operations of chronic sores as a result of diabetes.

Common to these operations is that a good result depends on an evidence based treatment strategy. About 1.5 million Danes suffer from these disorders and the problem is anticipated to increase markedly.

The need for treatment is anticipated to accelerate because of the combination of increased duration of life, overweight and increased treatment demands from the patients. Therefore there is a great need to examine and develop new treatment techniques.

The knowledge acquired by the research group is used for optimizing the functionality and the quality of life of orthopaedic surgical patients.

Solid Danish clinical research can be contributory to a more effective and specific treatment with considerably fewer complications than today.


Hip displacements and correctable scoliosis were prevalent in children with cerebral palsy registered in a Danish follow-up programme from 2010 to 2020.
Krarup LH, Kristensen PK, Stisen MB, Nordbye-Nielsen K, Mechlenburg I.
Low-load exercises with concurrent blood flow restriction as rehabilitation for unspecific knee pain to a former American football player: A case report
Mechlenburg I, Nielsen TG, Kristensen N, Bentzen A, Jørgensen SL.
Football players with hip dysplasia: The relationship between muscle strength, functional performance, self-reported sport and recreation, cartilage defects and sex. A cross-sectional study
O'Brien MJM, Kemp JL, Semciw AI, Mechlenburg I, Jacobsen JS, King MG, Scholes MJ, Lawrenson PR, Crossley K, Agricola R, Souza RB, Heerey J.
 Orthopaedic Research Aarhus University Hospital Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99 Entrance J 8200 Aarhus N Phone: +45 7846 7471 
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